- How to use zoom cloud meeting app in laptop

- How to use zoom cloud meeting app in laptop

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Download & use ZOOM Cloud Meetings on PC & Mac (Emulator).How to Install and Use Zoom for Videoconferencing 

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Zoom Cloud Meetings: Participant Guide You do not have to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting or For laptops, if your computer is less. It's super easy! Install the free Zoom app, click on ""New Meeting,"" and invite up to people to join you on video. Connect with anyone on Windows, Mac.    


How to Download & Use the Zoom App on PC & Mac? | BlueStacks.How to Download Zoom on Laptop

  Uuse record a meeting on a computer, click the Record option at the bottom of the Zoom meeting window. At this point, medting can choose to start a meeting zoom pch-6 protective or schedule a meeting to start at a later date and time. Often, when invited to join a /4138.txt meeting, you receive a web link in an e-mail or a meeting invite for your e-mail client's calendar to join that meeting. I am constantly being kicked off during meetings, it can be rather annoying.  

‎ZOOM Cloud Meetings on the App Store - How to Download & Use the Zoom App on PC & Mac?


Step 2: You have two options when it comes to creating a Zoom account. Step 2: Sign up or sign in to Zoom by following the on-screen instructions that are similar to the desktop process. Step 3: The website will redirect you to the Zoom app and start a meeting. Note: You can also start a meeting quickly through the desktop app by following the instructions we list for mobile devices later on. You can send these to participants via text, email or instant messaging.

Step 4: You can also directly email the meeting details through your preferred email client via the Zoom app itself. Step 3: Edit meeting settings according to your preferences such as switching video off for participants, using a Personal Meeting ID, etc.

Zoom will now give you the option to share your meeting details via a variety of communication platforms. These include various text, email and messaging apps on your smartphone. Note: The same steps apply to both your desktop and your phone. If you have a join link for a meeting, just click on it or paste it into your web browser to join the meeting.

Step 2: Enter meeting details in the Schedule Meeting pop-up window that appears. You can set its date and time, privacy and access settings. You can also select your preferred calendar between iCal, Google Calendar or others to schedule the event in your calendar.

Step 4: Zoom will redirect you or open another form for adding the event to your preferred calendar. Recording a meeting lets you easily use it as a reference to document everything that was discussed. This is especially important for remote teams who use Zoom video conferencing as their key mode of communication. Zoom allows you to record meetings easily and save them either to your local device or the Zoom cloud.

By saving it to the Zoom cloud, your team members can access it across multiple platforms easily. Alternatively, you can also end a meeting to stop recording it. Use the space provided at the top to enter a topic or name for the meeting. Set a date and time. Use the following steps to set a date and time. Click or tap Date and use the pop-up calendar to select a date for the meeting.

Click or tap Duration and select how long the meeting is. On Android, select the start time and end time using the drop-down menu next to "From" and "To". Tap Time Zone and select which time zone you want to use. Select if and when you want the meeting to repeat. To set a meeting as recurring on PC and Mac, click the checkbox that says "Recurring". Then you will need to set the event as recurring in the calendar app you use.

To generate a random digit number for each meeting, click the radio option next to "Generate automatically" on PC and Mac, or turn the option to use a Personal Meeting ID off on smartphones and tablets. Set a password for the meeting optional. If you want to set a password for the meeting, click the checkbox or tap the toggle switch next to "Required Meeting ID".

Then enter the desired password in the space provided. Use the toggle switch next to "Host Video On" on smartphones and tablets, or click "On" or "Off" next to "Host" on PC and Mac to enable or disable the meeting host's video feed. Use the toggle switch next to "Participant video On" on smartphones and tablets, or click "On" or "Off" next to "Participant" on PC or Mac to enable or disable the video feed for each of the meeting's attendees.

Select audio options. Tap Audio Option on smartphones and tablets and select an audio option from the menu. On PC and Mac, click the radio button next to your preferred audio option. Select a calendar to add the event too. Depending on which device you are using, you can add the Meeting to your Outlook Calendar, Google Calendar, or iCalendar.

To add the meeting to your calendar on Android, tap the toggle switch next to "Add to calendar". On iPhone and iPad, tap the Calendar option and select which calendar you want to use. On PC and Mac, click the radio option next to the calendar you want to add the meeting too. Select advanced options optional.

If you want to select advanced options, click or tap Advanced Options and click the checkbox or tap the toggle switch next to the advanced options you want to enable. The advanced options are as follows: Enable Waiting Room: This creates a virtual waiting room that attendees can wait in. The host can then decide when to admit each of the attendees into the meeting. Enable Join Before Host: This option allows attendees to enter the meeting before the host arrives.

Mute participants on Entry: PC and Mac only. This option turns off the audio for attendees when they enter the meeting. Automatically Record Meeting: This option saves a video recording of the meeting to your computer or mobile device. Tap Done or click Schedule. This schedules your meeting with your settings. Method 4. Retrieve the Meeting ID.

The Meeting ID is the digit number associated with each meeting. If you are invited to a meeting, you should receive a URL that ends with a digit number. That digit number is the Meeting ID. Your invitation may come over email, instant message, or other communication means. You can click or tap the URL in the invite message to immediately join the meeting in the Zoom app. If you do not have a Meeting ID, contact the host of the meeting. Click or tap Join Meeting. Change your display name optional.

Your display name is automatically populated in the second space in the form. If you want to change it, enter your desired display name in the second space provided. Turn off audio optional. If you don't want the other attendees to hear your microphone, tap the toggle switch or click the checkbox next to "Don't connect to audio". Turn off your video optional. If you don't want the other attendees to see you on camera when you join the meeting, tap the toggle switch or click the checkbox next to "Turn off my video".

Click Join or tap Join Meeting. This connects you to the meeting as a participant. Click or tap Leave Meeting. When you are ready to leave the meeting, click or tap the red text that says Leave Meeting. Method 5.

Connect to a meeting. You can either start a new meeting or join an existing meeting using the Zoom app. Tap the center of the screen mobile only. If you are using Zoom on a smartphone or tablet, tap the center of the screen to display all the controls. Tap Participants mobile only. If you are using Zoom on a smartphone or tablet, tap the icon that says "Participants" to display a drop-down menu with a list of all the attendees and some options.

It's the icon that resembles a person. Click or tap Invite. It's at the bottom of the Participants' menu on smartphones and tablets. On PC and Mac, it's the icon that resembles a person at the bottom of the screen. Select a messaging method. Use one of the following steps to select a method to send invite messages.

You can also tap Invite Contacts and select contacts to invite. Android: Tap an app you want to compose an invite message in.

Enter a recipient. If you select to send an invite as an email or instant message, you need to enter an email address or contact name in the field next to "To:".

Compose an invite message. If you select the option to send an invite in an app, email, or message, Zoom generates a pre-written invitation. You can change the message to say whatever you want. Send the message. When you are finished composing the message, click the button to send the message.

This may be a button that says "Send" or an icon that resembles an arrow pointing up, or a paper airplane icon. This sends the message to your recipient. Method 6. Screen sharing allows you to stream the contents of your screen to the meeting attendees instead of your camera feed. This is useful for displaying photos, text, emails, documents, videos, PowerPoint Presentations, and more. It has an icon that resembles a screen with an arrow pointing up.

On iPhone and iPad, it's at the top of the screen. On Android, PC, and Mac, it's at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can click or tap Share Screen before you enter the meeting and enter the digit Meeting ID to share your screen when you enter a meeting. Select an app you want to share. It has the option to enable audio-only, video, and live chat.

This app replicates the in-person collaboration experience and has gained visibility since the pandemic onset in March Zoom is available on desktops, laptops, mobile devices across all platforms. It has pricing plans suited to different businesses and a free subscription with all the basic functionalities.

